Food Waste Disposal
Why should food wastes be recycled?
More than 95% of food waste in Russian are sent to landfills, where they decompose into methane and carbon dioxide, causing significant harm to the environment, leading to climate changes.
We offer innovative ways of solving the problem – processing food waste into compost, fertile soil, animal feed, energy and other valuable products.
Our goal is to introduce separate collection of food waste in restaurants, offices and shopping malls to increase recycling to 25 % by 2020.
Our solutions for the collection and storage of waste can meet the stringent federal laws and regulations for the collection, storage and transportation of waste.
With each removal of waste you get a full set of necessary environmental documentation.
Local Solutions. Global scale
Utilizatsiya Otkhodov is a proven solution for catering, shops and shopping centers, which increases environmental responsibility of your business.
It does not matter if you have one restaurant or a network, we are ready to consider any number, to help raise the level of waste recycling.
With our vast experience in the food service segment, we have a true understanding of the environmental problems that you face every day.
We offer you a full range of ready-to-operate services:
- separate collection of food and other wastes;
- training your staff to work with the waste;
- consultation on issues of regulatory compliance;
- full environmental support.
Path to a destination point
From the first day, our advisers will be to work with your staff in every single step to ensure the success of the program.
We provide the necessary infrastructure, including specially designed containers for waste storage, trucks, as well as training and support needed to ensure the successful implementation of the program.
Food and organic waste acceptable for recycling:
- fruits and vegetables;
- meat, poultry, seafood (bones and shells);
- bakery products and components;
- eggs and paper egg boxes;
- milk, juices and boxes;
- plants and flowers;
- coffee grounds, filters, tea bags;
- paper products (napkins, paper towels);
- ice cream, yoghurt, cottage cheese.
It’s time for your company to move beyond the old reality and to introduce basics of processing, following green standards.
Please check the availability of environmental program “Becoming green together” with sales managers.