disposal of lamps

Disposal of lamps

Daylight fluorescent lamps are used everywhere. Perhaps this is one of the most important inventions of mankind, giving comfort and convenience. It is impossible to imagine the work of a single enterprise, office, factory, shopping complex, everyday life of people without the use of lamps. At the moment, the usual incandescent lamps are being replaced fluorescent and energy saving lamps. This popularity is due to a considerable energy saving and long life operation.
But the service life of even the best quality and long lasting light bulbs sooner or later comes to an end, and this raises the question of how to properly dispose of the illumination tool. It can often be seen how light bulbs are thrown in the trash, along with household waste. It is strictly prohibited to make such a rash action, because the illumination tools contain mercury. Metal evaporation, which may get into the soil or air, if not properly disposed of, is the most dangerous toxic substances.
That is why recycle of mercury lamps is the prerogative of specialised organisations. Only in this case mercury containing illumination tools which have become unusable will not harm the environment and human health.
For a long period of time our company has such a service as recycling of lamps from the territory of industrial enterprises. It is worth noting that all the work of the company is built on the highest professional level using the latest modern technology and proper equipment, with operational execution of all necessary documents for reporting.
The main advantages of our company are:
  • individual approach to each client;
  • flexible pricing;
  • wide range of activities;
  • work with the waste of all hazard classes.
Trust our professionalism and experience, and you will forget about such a problem as recycling of fluorescent lamps from the territory of your business or organisation. Waste reception takes place in a special container that completely eliminates the ingress of mercury vapours in the environment.
Effective, comprehensive utilisation of energy saving lamps is a concern for future generations. Note that this recycling will be safe only if it is taken by professionals.
Working with our company and signing an agreement for disposal of lamps, you will receive a full range of necessary services for the collection, transportation and disposal of waste material.